About Us

START READING FROM THE BOTTOM so you read it in order. (or use the links over there >>>) This is a blog following 2 noobs trying to build a drift/track car.

Then it was time for....PRIMER =)

Without out a doubt this would be the day that amal and i have been looking forward to the most, probably even more so then actually starting the engine over haha. We decided The DPP had spent enough time looking in its sorry state and decided to clean her up to prepare her for the primer!
Please note all water used is from a water tank, so before you go telling the authorities we're doing the right thing!
As you probably know the car cant really be moved as the subframe hasnt been securely tightened yet so its not like we can take it to a car wash, so we do the next best thing....wash it inside amals garage whilst its on the stands =) We used a bucket, a mop, water pressure cleaner, and truck wash (truck wash is like acid lol) and begun cleaning


We were pretty eager to start using the spray guns, that we barely even masked up the car properly lol and ended up doing it as we went.... Finally we got to use the spray guns and primer we bought months and months ago! first thing was to correctly mix the primer and the hardener 3 parts primer one part hardener =)

After a few attempts and under the watchful eye of amals mum, we finally managed to get the hang of it, we had to leave the rear quarter panels as they still need to be bogged and sanded, but yeah needless to say we were quite proud of ourselves lol Need a respray? just call us ;)

From this

To this

To Primer =)

P.S sahil got a professional photographer to take a pic of his car check it out =P

Hitting it hard...

Well we finally manage to get some productive work done over the last few days, thanks to me getting over to amals early every day only to find him in bed sleeping, then he would need to eat his breakfast, drop his phone in milk LOL watch law and order have a shower (water saver my ass) then once all that
was done we could finally start work on the DPP...
Anyway back on topic We bought some bog, and decided to get rid of the line that runs across the the side of the car (see pics) We didnt really need to bog the line, but all of our tools have mysteriously disappeared and we needed somthing to do. And we need to fix the front bar, sideskirts, and rear guards plus all the lilttle bumps here and there =)
After experimenting with the hardner and bog amal managed to get the right mixture without the bog setting as hard as a rock within a couple of seconds and we began bogging!
Its not the prettiest looking thing, but hopefully once the primer is on, it will be all gone....well we hope so anyway

In other news we finally managed to get the rest of bodykit (sideskirts and another front bar), for a bargain!! seriously a bargain! *amal was very happy with his bargaining skills so much that i had to hear it all the way home back from mill park* Another funny story well maybe not funny, but scary was when the guy we bought the stuff off asked amal what his user name was on the forums, amal replied "***** ice" to which the other guy replied "mmmmm ice" haha riteooooo

Back to work...again =)

So after exams, bit of relaxing, bdays, we thought we better start working on the dpp...again! First thing first was to move the 100 cars in amals drive away and pull the 180 into the garage...imagine this the car is stripped the wheels are held on by 3 bolts or maybe even 2 depending on the wheel, the interior is gutted, the drivers seat isnt even bolted in and the the pivot steering wheel is held in with 3 screws so it almost comes off as soon as you try to do anything...anyway we managed to roll it...next thing bangout\clean up the guards.....we soon found that half the rear quarter panels were covered in bog so spent most of the time 'deboging' so to speak...
Next jacked up the car so, we also then realized the exhaust was nothing but a 3" pipe going from the engine, no cat no nothing, we then dropped the exhaust to get clear access to the subframe!

Then we begun looking at the subframe, how we should go about swapping the s14 subframe with the 180, if its possible to simply swap the 180 diff and put it into the s14 subframe (if anyone knows let us know lol). With the help of amals dad and his tools the 180 subframe was out! and it only took us 5 months to get onto it lol
Next up- put the s14 subframe in, fix up the rear guards, drop the gear box weld up the holes in the engine(Wednesday with the help of chappo), engine and wiring, primer amongst other things!

The 'Write-Off'

Well for anyone who reads this blog besides amal and my-self, unfortunately we have decided to write off working on the dpp until uni has finished, and unfortunately the dpp wont be entering autosalon with us =(.... Once uni is out of the way, its gonna be dpp all the way to track!! Sorry to dissapoint anyone, but need to set our priotries straight....stupid uni

On other note...Calder Park has recently scrapped its drifting sessions, which would mean for any legal drifting to occur regularly it would be a long long long drive to winton!! so help bring Calder park drift nights back, its seriously takes 5 seconds to sign it! thanks!!


Fibreglass 101

Well after searching ebay everyday, ns etc we got over waiting for a bodykit to appear...so we went on the hunt!! After a while searching dandenong and buying primer for the car =D, we stumbled across one of our many panel beaters, Exotic Panels! we ask mr.mo if he had any kits laying around (wishful thinking) and he said to go look in the other room at the back...and so we did....Picture a mountain of front bars, bonnets ,side skirts some factory others aftermarket, it was like the mt everest of car parts. We rolled up our sleeves and begun searching amongst the piles of panels and dust, and within about 10mins we found what look like to be vertex front bar for a 180! =D needless to say it was in a sorry state, cracked just about everywhere, but when your on a budget anything will do!

So we took her home, sanded her back, went to bunnings and got ourselves a fiberglass repair kit! I came back and decided to start work on the front bar while amal watched his favourite show Americas Next top model, once it was finished he came out to help. Considering we have hardly worked with fibreglass before we were pretty happy with the result, now we just need to add some bog and sand her again!
After we got the hang of it, we managed to make our own rear bar!

not really...picked up a vertex rear bar for a bargain! now all that remains is sideskirts!
As uni has picked up works come to crashing hault, next major steps will be trial fitting the kit, finally get onto putting the engine in and wiring! stay tuned!

The Deadline... featuring EVAN

Hmmmmmzz so it's almost August... And shit-all has happened with the DPP for the last 7 months.

I blame Shev. The work on the DPP stopped around about the same time he finally got rid of his slow-ass Beemer (sorry Kaesh) and got himself the closest thing to a skyline he could afford.
Pretty sure my car owns your skyline! This coming from amal who would have a shower after 2 hours of work, (sitting inside the car undoing bolts dieing in his own farts) refusing to come outside after 7pm as it was too cold!
Amal -
Suuuuure mate... What was your Dyno figure again? Wait till Calder re-opens....BRING IT!...
Put your money were your mouth is mate, power to weight ill kill u :P
We were meant to hit it hard these holidays just passed, but then Lakes Entrance happened... 1 week to recover... and
then Sorrento happened! 2 weeks to recover... and here we are.

Calder Park has closed for re-surfacing and it's unknown whether drifters will be allowed back on the track so the hype wore off for us, but all this talk about Street Supremacy entering Auto salon motivated us to get cracking. So the weekend just gone we went nuts...

Firstly we towed the 180 out of its resting place using yet another car my dad bought from a wrecking yard of all places! It's a white AU station wagon with 300 000 k's on it! bargain he reckons. But with an engine bay so dusty and muddy it looks like an elephant took a dump in there, I think not.

But it did the job and the car was back in the garage. After blowing the dust off our tool boxes shev got started on stripping the engine bay of the radiator, wiring looms and any other gadgetry while I went to work on the cabin loom. After a few hours work the car was looking in a very sorry state and we couldn't have been happier with ourselves :D

All the interior trims and carpets were stripped to get the car ready for paint.

Nadisha came round for lunch and found us struggling with what you'd think was the relatively simple task of stripping some wiring.

Nadisha: "Who's going to put the engine in?

Shev and me: (with cheesy smiles) "WE are :D "

Nadisha: " =o .... :/ ....=|... Amal could you take the first test drive please??"

After lunch we pissfarted around till Sahil came over in his spankin new Evo 8. WOOT! Yes i know its a Mitsubishi :( but it's got the most porn interior I've ever seen and we all know red goes faster.

Back to work. We had run out of things we knew how to do and if you've been brave enough to step outside after 7pm in the last week you'd know the temperatures have been verging on FREEZING. So we decided to sand the bitch. If there's one thing street supremacy do well it's sanding (and partying) with more than half the cars in it flaunting custom resprays.
We made surprisingly good time sanding back 90% of the car in just a few hours.

Then Sahil got a splinter the poor bub =~( heheheheh. Shev went to work on removing the tail lights while i went to ask Ammi for an idhi kuttukk to get Sahils splinter out.

The car was sanded and we were ready to get out of the cold and call it a night. But decided to remove the rear bar so the car was ready for a kit and paint.

This is when the drama started. We un-did every screw and bolt imaginable but the sucker refused to come loose. We were at our wits end when luckily the cavalry arrived. ALL the way from Airport west.

I'd like to introduce you to Mr Evan Jacksa. This ladies is a Piece of Man Meat that actually needs no introduction. Some of you may know him as That Silly topless Drunk f*ck from Shev's 21st trying to wear a table cloth as his suit jacket. Or the guy on facebook getting his chest waxed for all to see.

What you don't know is he tucks you into bed and takes your shoes off when you pass out at Lakes Entrance. Or Has Bacon and Eggs ready for you when you wake up at Sorrento. He is domesticated to the maximus, enjoys fishing and teaching people to ice-skate.... and to top it off....he drives a skyline ;)

But this rear bar was still being a royal c***... but Evan was determined and it finally came off while Dineth wondered around graffitiing (sp?) the DPP with unnecessary comments. Before we decided to do anything stupid like try and remove a door, we decided to call it a night.

Refer to the countdown above to see how long we have till AutoSalon. It seems like ages. But with uni weekdays and Work on weekends...not to mention getting our OWN cars ready for autosalon...we are screweddddd...

Stay tuned and watch as Shev and I say bye-bye to our tax-returns.